Wikipedia - Nationale 1 (Senegal)

The Nationale 1 Masculin (abbreviated as NM1; in English: National 1 Men) is the highest professional basketball league in Senegal. Established in 1971, the league consists of 16 teams.

Each season is finished with a final in a single-game elimination format, held at the Marius Ndiaye Stadium in Dakar. AS Douanes is the most successful team in NM1 history with 11 won titles.

The champions of the NM1 qualify directly for the regular season of the Basketball Africa League (BAL), the premiere continental league. The bottom two teams are relegated to the second division Nationale 2.

塞内加尔Division 1是塞内加尔最高级别的篮球比赛。这个锦标赛是塞内加尔篮球界最重要的赛事之一,吸引了来自全国各地的顶级球队参加。比赛通常在塞内加尔各大城市的体育馆举行,为观众提供了观赛的机会。

塞内加尔Division 1锦标赛是一项激烈的竞争,参赛球队都是经过选拔的最佳球队。比赛期间,球队之间将进行多场比赛,以争夺冠军的荣誉。这个锦标赛不仅展示了球员们的技术和才华,也为塞内加尔篮球迷们带来了精彩的比赛。

塞内加尔Division 1锦标赛吸引了大量的观众和媒体关注。比赛期间,球迷们会充满激情地为自己支持的球队加油助威,营造出一种热烈的氛围。同时,媒体也会对比赛进行广泛报道,使更多的人了解和关注塞内加尔篮球。


总之,塞内加尔Division 1是塞内加尔篮球界最重要的锦标赛之一,为球员们展示实力、提高技术水平,并为篮球迷们带来精彩的比赛。这个锦标赛不仅仅是一场比赛,更是一个聚集了塞内加尔篮球界各方面人才的平台。