Elazığ İl Özel İdaresi Spor Kulübü is a Turkish women's basketball club based in Elazığ, Turkey. The club was founded in 2010 and currently competing in the Turkish Super League and EuroCup Women.


Elazığ İl Özel İdarespor was founded in 2010 and started to compete in professional leagues in 2014. After four seasons in the Second League, the club started the 2018–19 season with the Federation Cup championship and finished the season with the play-off championship in the Second League and promoted to the Super League. In their first season, they finished the first half of the Super League in the 4th place and qualified to compete in the Turkish Cup. After the 2020 Elazığ earthquake, the club had to move to Ankara and played their home games in there until the league was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They finished the canceled league in 8th place and qualified for the EuroCup. In the 2020–21 season, the club competed in European competitions for the first time in their history. They reached the quarterfinals but lost to KSC Szekszárd.

"埃拉泽Il Ozel Idare女子"篮球队伍,简称"IL Ozel",是一支来自土耳其的顶级女子篮球队伍。自成立以来,球队一直致力于追求卓越,挑战自我,力争在欧洲和世界舞台上取得突破。

IL Ozel以其出色的技术和独特的战术而闻名于世。球队以稳定的表现和持续的进步赢得了粉丝和专家的认可。自2016年以来,IL Ozel一直在为进入欧洲女子篮球前五名而努力,并在过去的几个赛季中取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

在过去的几个赛季中,IL Ozel以其强大的防守和高效的组织进攻而闻名。球队拥有出色的外线和内线球员,他们在场上协同作战,为球队带来了稳定的表现和持续的成功。

IL Ozel的主场位于土耳其的伊兹密尔,是一个备受赞誉的篮球胜地。球队的球迷群体庞大,他们为球队提供了强大的支持,使球队在主场表现出色。

总的来说,"埃拉泽Il Ozel Idare女子"篮球队伍是一支追求卓越、充满激情、有着明确目标的顶级女子篮球队伍。无论是在赛场上还是球迷群体中,IL Ozel都展现出了其独特的魅力和实力。