Wikipedia - FC Sputnik Rechitsa

FC Sputnik Rechitsa was a Belarusian football club based in Rechytsa.

The club was founded in 2017 after a relocation of FC DYuSSh-DSK Gomel to Rechytsa. The club finished third in the 2018 Belarusian Second League season and in early 2019, they were offered a promotion to the First League, after a vacancy opened. Sputnik took the offer and made its First League debut in 2019.

On July 14, 2021, it became known that the club was dissolved after not being able to carry on being funded, resulting in withdrawal from the league and 3-0 wins being given to opponents for the rest of the season.

FK Sputnik 是一家总部位于 Belarus 的足球俱乐部,成立于 2014 年。俱乐部目前参加 Belarus Premier League(白俄罗斯足球超级联赛),这是该国最高级别的足球联赛。

Sputnik 的主体育场是位于雷奇察的 Retchitsa Stadium。

俱乐部历史上获得过一次 Belarus Cup(白俄罗斯杯)冠军头衔,一次 Belarus Super Cup(白俄罗斯超级杯)冠军头衔,以及一次 Belarus Second League(白俄罗斯足球乙级联赛)冠军头衔。

Sputnik 在国际比赛中的表现并不突出,目前从未参加过欧洲足球联合会的任何赛事。

俱乐部的主要竞争对手是 BATE Borisov(巴特鲍里索夫),这两支球队一直是 Belarus Premier League(白俄罗斯足球超级联赛)的争冠热门。