Servette FC Chênois Féminin [sɛʁ.vet ɛf se ʃɛn.wa fe.mi.nɛ̃] is a women's football club from Geneva, Switzerland. Its first team plays in the top tier in Switzerland and often in UEFA Champions League.


Servette FC Chênois was founded in 1974 as the women's section of Club Sportif Chênois, named for the Chêne area. In 2012, it was spun off from the original club and rebranded under the name Football Féminin Chênois Genève. In 2017, the team was combined with Servette FC and renamed Servette FC Chênois Féminin.

In 2018, the club was promoted for the first time in National League A and reached the 4th rank. The next season, when the tournament had to be stopped due to COVID-19, Servette was standing at the first rank, and was therefore qualified for 2020–21 Champions League. The club reached the round of 32 and was eliminated by Atlético Madrid.

Servette FC Chênois won their first Super League title in the 2020–21 season.

塞维特女子足球俱乐部是瑞士日内瓦的一家女子足球俱乐部,参加瑞士女子足球联赛。俱乐部成立于 2005 年,是日内瓦地区最成功的女子足球俱乐部之一。塞维特参加过多次瑞士杯决赛,并获得过多次冠军。俱乐部还参加过欧洲女子冠军联赛,并取得了不错的成绩。塞维特女足的主体育场是日内瓦体育场,可容纳 3 万名观众。俱乐部的队徽是一个盾牌,盾牌上有一只狮子和一个足球。塞维特女足的球衣颜色是白色和蓝色。