The De La Salle Green Archers (also known simply as the Green Archers) are the varsity teams representing De La Salle University in the Philippines. The Green Archer is the traditional university mascot and the varsity teams of De La Salle University are collectively referred to as the Green Archers, however, each team has a specific moniker depending on what sport they play. The school's varsity teams participate in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines, among others. La Salle is represented in the high school level by De La Salle Zobel, and are known as the Zobel Junior Archers.

德拉萨大学Green Archers是一支来自菲律宾的篮球队伍。该队伍成立于1971年,并且自那时起一直活跃于国内和国际的篮球赛事中。他们以德拉萨大学为基地,并以其卓越的篮球传统而闻名。

Green Archers队伍以其出色的篮球技能和不懈的竞争精神而著称。他们队内的球员通常都是身材高大的前锋,但他们的技巧和策略使得他们在比赛中能够应对各种挑战。他们的教练团队也是队伍成功的关键之一,他们制定战术,指导球员发挥出最好的水平。

在过去的几年中,Green Archers在各种国内和国际赛事中取得了显著的成就。他们赢得了多个国内冠军头衔,并在亚洲篮球锦标赛等国际赛事中也有不俗的表现。他们的成功不仅归功于他们的技能和战术,还归功于他们的团队合作和拼搏精神。

总的来说,德拉萨大学Green Archers是一支充满活力和热情的篮球队伍,他们的成功不仅归功于他们的技能和战术,还归功于他们的团队合作和拼搏精神。无论是在国内还是国际赛场上,他们都是一支不可忽视的力量。