Snooker Shoot-Out 2019


The 2019 Shoot Out (officially the 2019 BetVictor Snooker Shoot Out) was a professional ranking snooker tournament, taking place from 21 to 24 February 2019 at the Watford Colosseum in Watford, England. It was played under a variation of the standard rules of snooker, and it was the fourteenth ranking event of the 2018/2019 season.

Michael Georgiou was the defending champion, but he lost to Li Hang 28–45 in the second round.

Thepchaiya Un-Nooh won his first career ranking title, beating Michael Holt 74–0 in the final. Un-Nooh's 139 break in the semi-final was the highest in the history of the Shoot Out.

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019(斯诺克射击赛2019)是一项备受期待的斯诺克锦标赛。这项锦标赛将于2019年举行,吸引了世界各地最顶尖的斯诺克选手参与。这是一项独特的锦标赛,以其快节奏和紧张刺激的比赛方式而闻名。

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019的比赛规则与传统的斯诺克比赛有所不同。每场比赛只有10分钟的时间限制,每位选手只有15秒的时间来完成每一杆。这种紧迫的比赛方式使得比赛更加激烈和紧张,选手们需要迅速做出决策并尽快击球。

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019的比赛场地将设在一个特殊的赛场上,观众们可以近距离观看比赛,感受到选手们的紧张气氛。这种亲密的观赛体验使得比赛更加引人入胜。

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019将吸引来自世界各地的顶级选手参与,他们将展示出他们的技巧和实力。观众们可以期待看到精彩的进球、精准的击球和紧张的比分。

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019不仅仅是一项斯诺克比赛,它还是一个聚集了斯诺克爱好者的盛会。观众们可以在比赛期间享受美食和饮品,与其他斯诺克爱好者交流和分享他们的热情。

Snooker Shoot-Out 2019将成为一场精彩纷呈的斯诺克盛宴,给观众们带来难忘的体验。无论是斯诺克爱好者还是普通观众,都将在这场比赛中找到乐趣和激情。