Sierra Leone National Premier League is a professional football league in Sierra Leone. It was founded in 1967. The league is sponsored by the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, one of the major Sierra Leonean banks. East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool are the two biggest and most successful clubs. The National Premier League is controlled by the Sierra Leone Football Association. The season runs from March to July.

The current champions of the premier league are East End Lions. They won the league unbeatable in 2019.

Fc Kallon's 7-0 win against Sierra Leone Police Fc on October 23, 2021, is the biggest win in the history of the league.

塞拉利昂超级联赛(Sierra Leone Super League)是塞拉利昂足球协会管理的职业足球联赛,成立于1971年,是非洲最古老的足球联赛之一。联赛原名利比里亚足球联赛(Liberia Football League),1974年改为现名。塞超现有10支球队参加比赛,冠军和亚军直接参加非洲冠军联赛,季军则会参加非洲国际杯附加赛决赛。



