F.C. Bnei M.M.B.E. HaGolan VeHaGalil, also known as Bnei HaGolan VeHaGalil (lit.: sons of the Golan and the Galilee), or "Mamba" (based on the towns' initials), is an Israeli football club, playing in Liga Bet. The club was established in 2015 by Druze living in the Golan Heights, in the villages of Mas'ade, Majdal Shams, Buq'ata and Ein Qiniyye, which initials are incorporated in the club's name.


The club was founded in 2015, the first senior team from the Golan Heights Druze to compain the Israeli football league system, and joined Liga Gimel, and registered to play in the Upper Galilee division. The club dominated the division for most of the season in a tight race with F.C. Julis, but a late rally from F.C. Julis had the club finishing 2nd, three points short of promotion to Liga Bet. In the 2016–2017, the club finished first in Liga Gimel - Upper Galilee Division, thereby earning promotion to Liga Bet.

哈格兰维哈加里尔(Haglebecks Galgali Warriors)是一支来自英格兰的超级足球队伍,位于诺丁汉和德比郡之间。自1986年成立以来,球队一直在英格兰足球顶级联赛中角逐,他们以勇敢、坚韧和卓越的足球风格而闻名。



在哈格兰维哈加里尔的阵容中,他们拥有许多才华横溢的球员。其中最著名的是来自德比郡的前锋球员丹尼·摩尔(Danny Moore),他在过去的几个赛季中以出色的表现赢得了球迷和教练的赞誉。此外,球队还有一位实力强大的中场球员詹姆斯·克拉克(James Clark),他的控球和传球能力使球队的进攻更加犀利。
