
Leagues Played
巴西赛事 13

Wikipedia - Sport Club Belém

Sport Club Belém, commonly known as Sport Belém, is a Brazilian football club based in Belém, Pará state. They competed in the Série B twice.


The club was founded on December 2, 1965. They competed in the Série B for the first time in 1971, when they were eliminated in the First Stage, and in 1986, when they were again eliminated in the First Stage.

贝伦竞技体育俱乐部(葡萄牙语:Clube do Remo),又译雷莫足球俱乐部,是一家位于巴西贝伦的足球俱乐部,成立于1905年2月5日。球队主场为罗赫里奥·雷米吉奥·卡萨格兰德奥林匹克体育场,可容纳45,007人。贝伦竞技体育是巴西国内最成功的足球俱乐部之一,拥有全国冠军、洲际冠军、巴拉州冠军等荣誉。