Wikipedia - Sparta Bertrange

Basket-Ball Club Sparta Bertrange, also known as simply Sparta, is a Luxembourgian professional basketball team from Bertrange. The club plays in the Total League, the highest level of the national championship. The last few years Sparta is known for its good youth Teams as they have won several Championships. The basketball education for youth is at a very high-level compared to the rest of Luxembourg.


Sparta was founded in 1935 and is one of the clubs with the most titles in the high level domestic league. The colors of the club are red and white. The arena "Atert" has a capacity of 2,000 seats.

贝尔特朗日斯巴达篮球队,又称贝尔特朗日斯篮球俱乐部或简称巴塞罗那篮球队,是一家位于西班牙巴塞罗那的职业篮球俱乐部,是欧洲篮球界的顶级球队之一。球队成立于 1926 年,是加泰罗尼亚足球俱乐部的一个分支。

贝尔特朗日斯巴达队的主场是巴塞罗那的圣乔治宫,可容纳超过 1.7 万名观众。球队的队服颜色是蓝色和红色,队徽是巴塞罗那足球俱乐部的队徽。

贝尔特朗日斯巴达队是西班牙篮球史上最成功的球队之一,曾 28 次获得西班牙篮球联赛冠军,26 次获得西班牙国王杯冠军,13 次获得欧洲冠军联赛冠军,是欧洲第一支三连冠的球队。

