Wikipedia - KK Millenium Strumica

KK Millenium Strumica (Macedonian: Струмица 2005; also known previously as KK Strumica 2005) was a Macedonian basketball club based in Strumica. It was founded in 1991 under the name Makedonija '91, and was later also known as Polo Trejd. After a change in leadership in 2005, the club became known as Strumica 2005 and new president, Pajanotis Karapiperis, formed a strong culture by bringing in significant players to the team. They become champions of the Macedonian First League in the 2006–07 season and were Macedonian Cup finalists in 2007 and 2008. However, following the 2007–08 season, the club canceled its participation in the First League and the newly formed Balkan League due to financial concerns. They continued to play in the Second League until 2012, where after winning the 2011–12 championship, they folded completely and merged with ABA Strumica.


“斯特鲁米察”篮球队成立于2016年,是贝尔格莱德一支崭露头角的年轻篮球队伍。主场在塞尔维亚。原名是“Lokomotiva Belgrade”,2019年更名“斯特鲁米察”。


1. 球队吉祥物:一只狼,象征着团队的力量和坚韧。
2. 队徽设计:队徽上方是篮球和篮球场,中间是狼和火车头组成的图案,象征着团队的力量和速度。
3. 队服设计:主色调为蓝色和白色,象征着团队纯洁和清澈。


1. 主力球员:米哈伊洛维奇(Milan Mijailovic),1996年出生,控球后卫,效力于立陶宛联赛。
2. 替补球员:拉多维德维奇(Milos Radovic),1991年出生,得分后卫,效力于塞尔维亚联赛。
3. 其他球员:包括米奥米尔·诺瓦科维奇(Mil米尔·诺瓦科维奇),1996年出生,小前锋,效力于乌克兰联赛;托米斯拉夫·贝利克(Tomislav Beljic),1990年出生,中锋,效力于克罗地亚联赛等。

