奎松市Gerflor Defenders 女子

奎松市Gerflor Defenders 女子

Leagues Played
菲律宾超级联赛 女子 16

The Quezon City Gerflor Defenders were a women's volleyball team in the Philippines which played in the Premier Volleyball League.


The Quezon City Gerflor Defenders, a private professional club supported by the Quezon City Sports Management Services and vinyl floor brand Gerflor, joined the Premier Volleyball League debuting in the 2023 Invitational Conference. They have committed to take part in the PVL for at least three years. Prior to this, they have played in various other leagues and tournaments including the PNVF Champions League. The team had Edgar Barroga as its inaugural head coach.

On November 9, 2023, during the 2023 Second All-Filipino Conference, the Defenders were put under investigation by the league after some of its players posted on Reddit in regards to various internal problems including wage issues. The team was effectively disbanded after the tournament.

In January 2023, it was announced that the Strong Group Athletics would be taking over Gerflor's franchise. The group reportedly helped resolved the salary issue. It will be Strong Group's second PVL team, the first being the Farm Fresh Foxies.

奎松市Gerflor Defenders女子排球队伍是菲律宾奎松市的一支女子排球队。这支队伍在菲律宾和国际赛场上都有着不俗的表现和战绩。


在菲律宾国内,Gerflor Defenders女子排球队伍在多个级别的联赛中都获得了相当好的成绩。她们不仅在菲律宾女子职业排球联赛中保持了稳定的表现,还曾经多次赢得菲律宾业余女子排球联赛的冠军。此外,她们还在国内的一些次级联赛中取得了胜利,例如在2018年和2019年的菲律宾第四级别女子超级联赛中,她们两次获得冠军。

在国际赛场上,Gerflor Defenders女子排球队伍也有着出色的表现。她们曾经参加过东南亚女子排球锦标赛和亚洲女子排球锦标赛等区域性赛事,并取得了一些不错的成绩。在2017年的东南亚女子排球锦标赛中,她们获得第三名的好成绩,显示出她们在国际比赛中的实力。

在亚洲女子排球锦标赛中,她们也曾经获得过第四名的好成绩。这些成绩表明Gerflor Defenders女子排球队伍是一支具备高水平技术和战斗力的队伍,她们的实力和表现都值得称赞。

总的来说,Gerflor Defenders女子排球队伍是一支在菲律宾和国际赛场上都有着出色表现和战绩的队伍。她们的技术水平、团队协作和战斗精神都值得肯定,是一支不容忽视的排球强队。